France cant into Germany because I cant play the game right Sweden and peoples republic of china become fellow comrades Here's one i found on Youtube a while back (from someone named "BenBomb5"): >And you did it all for the glory of Bolivia >A country of two million you made into an empire which took half the world to topple >Whose people have hearts too noble for silver but too modest for gold >Center of your short-lived empire whose scale was greater then Bolivar could have ever dreamed

>Where the children play as hard as the foreign soldiers fight >Where the men carve nature to their will >Where the women are twice as strong as the men of other lands >When it falls La Paz will no longer be a city biult of brick nor will it be one chisled of marble >When the new regime entered La Paz was a city of brick on a mountain >The Desert Fox, The mountaineer, The Hill Fighter, The Ranger, The Engineer, The legend >You get the achievement "No Country for Old Men" >You make a desperate push for their new capitol >Jorge thinks you can win but only if you beat Brazil quickly >You feel that your army is ready now for your greatest conquest >You continue to improve your army whilst you devour Uruguay >You have a score to settle with Brazil from what they did almost a century ago >Brazil and Uruguay are the only ones left who haven't felt the wrath of the HNF >The war drags on, but you eventualy push him to his capital >Jorge has mixed feelings about the war, thinks many men will die

>Jorge is seasoned now, has seen many deaths >Venezuela joins you're faction, it's called the Hispanic Nationalist Front >He doesn't want to unless the war's already started >You prepare to get Venezuela in a faction with you >Have nothing but five men, an airfield, a claim on a neighbor and a dream Steam Review by "pepehimself" from Texas, USA. Some of you may have not read this yet, in which you should because it details a beautiful story and it does entail what Hearts of Iron IV is all about. This was written in August 2016, but it's already became a classic and the top review for Hearts of Iron IV.